#Line number RuleID ViolationType Message Line #------------ #------------ # Validation for #50268 annotations in 50287 lines #------------ #Line number RuleID ViolationType Message Line #------------ # GO_AR:0000008 No annotations should be made to uninformative high level terms Warning count: 1 29298 GO_AR:0000008 Warning Do not annotate to: GO:0005622 'intracellular' The term is considered to high level, as marked via the subset tag: gocheck_do_not_annotate UniProtKB F1RIT1 TRPV4 GO:0005622 PMID:19790068 IDA C Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 4 TRPV4 protein taxon:9823 20150803 AgBase part_of(CL:0000138) UniProtKB:F1RIT1 #------------