#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use FileHandle; my $verbose = 1; #our $PELLET_OPTS = $ENV{PELLET_OPTS} || '-Xss128m -Xms256m -Xmx4096m'; our $PELLET_OPTS = $ENV{PELLET_OPTS} || '-d64 -Xss256m -Xms4096m -Xmx4096m'; our $PELLET = "java $PELLET_OPTS -jar $ENV{PELLET}/lib/pellet-cli.jar extract -s DirectSubClassOf "; our $HERMIT = "java -DentityExpansionLimit=256000 -mx2048m -jar /Users/cjm/OWLTools/runtime/HermiT.jar -c -v2 "; #our $HERMIT = "java -mx2048m -jar /Users/cjm/OWLTools/runtime/HermiT.jar -c -v2 "; #our $PELLET = "java $PELLET_OPTS -jar ".$ENV{HOME}.'/src/pellet/lib/pellet.jar'; my $MAX_TIME = 3600; my $totaltime_h = {}; my $reasonertime_h = {}; my $reasoner_h = { # oboedit_lpr => sub { # my $f = shift; # my $benchf = shift; # run_oboedit_reasoner($f,$benchf); # }, # oboedit_fcr => sub { # my $f = shift; # my $benchf = shift; # run_oboedit_reasoner($f, $benchf, "-reasonerfactory org.obo.reasoner.impl.ForwardChainingReasonerFactory"); # }, oboedit_rbr => sub { my $f = shift; my $benchf = shift; run_oboedit_reasoner($f, $benchf, "-reasonerfactory org.obo.reasoner.rbr.RuleBasedReasonerFactory"); }, # oboedit_pwr => sub { # my $f = shift; # my $benchf = shift; # run_oboedit_reasoner($f, $benchf, "-reasonerfactory org.obo.reasoner.impl.PelletWrappedReasonerFactory"); # }, owlapi_pellet => sub { my $f = shift; my $benchf = shift; my $owlfile = genowl($f); run_owl_reasoner($owlfile, $benchf, "--pellet"); }, owlapi_pellet_mr => sub { my $f = shift; my $benchf = shift; my $owlfile = genowl($f); run_owl_reasoner($owlfile, $benchf, "--pellet -r"); }, owlapi_factpp => sub { my $f = shift; my $benchf = shift; my $owlfile = genowl($f); run_owl_reasoner($owlfile, $benchf); }, owlapi_factpp_mr => sub { my $f = shift; my $benchf = shift; my $owlfile = genowl($f); run_owl_reasoner($owlfile, $benchf, "-r"); }, pellet => sub { my $f = shift; my $benchf = shift; my $owlfile = genowl($f); runcmd("$PELLET $owlfile >& $benchf.tmp && head -1000 $benchf.tmp > $benchf"); }, hermit => sub { my $f = shift; my $benchf = shift; my $owlfile = genowl($f); runcmd("$HERMIT $owlfile >& $benchf"); }, blipkit => sub { my $f = shift; my $benchf = shift; runcmd("blip-reasoner -import_all -debug timing -debug reasoner -i $f -explain genus_differentia > $benchf.out >& $benchf "); }, obdsql => sub { my $f = shift; my $benchf = shift; my $n = shift; unless (defined $n) { $n = $f; $n =~ s/.*\///; $n =~ s/\..*//; $n =~ tr/a-zA-Z0-9_//cd; $n = 'obdtest_'.$n; } runcmd("obd-create-db.pl --drop --reasoner perl -d $n $f >& $benchf"); }, godbsql => sub { my $f = shift; my $benchf = shift; my $n = shift; unless (defined $n) { $n = $f; $n =~ s/.*\///; $n =~ s/\..*//; $n =~ tr/a-zA-Z0-9_//cd; $n = 'godtest_'.$n; } $ENV{GO_NEW_ADD_ROOT}=1; runcmd("go-create-database-and-load.pl -d $n -h -reasoner perl $f >& $benchf"); }, }; my %depend_h = ( owlapi_factpp_mr=>'owlapi_factpp', owlapi_pellet_mr=>'owlapi_pellet', ); if (!@ARGV) { usage(); exit(0); } my %only = (); my @skipped = (); my %continue; my $collect = 0; my $new_only = 0; while ($ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] =~ /(^\-.*)/) { my $opt = shift; if ($opt eq '-s' || $opt eq '--skip') { my $skip = shift @ARGV; push(@skipped, $skip); delete $reasoner_h->{$skip}; } elsif ($opt eq '--only') { my $x = shift @ARGV; $only{$x} = 1; } elsif ($opt eq '--collect') { $collect = 1; } elsif ($opt eq '--new-only') { $new_only = 1; } elsif ($opt eq '-t' || $opt eq '--maxtime') { $MAX_TIME = shift @ARGV; } elsif ($opt eq '-c' || $opt eq '--continue') { $continue{shift @ARGV} = 1; } elsif ($opt eq '-h' || $opt eq '--help') { usage(); exit(0); } else { print STDERR "UNKNOWN: $opt\n"; usage(); exit(1); } } if (%only) { if (@skipped) { print STDERR "Cannot combine --only and --skip\n"; usage(); exit(1); } foreach my $ r (sort (keys %$reasoner_h)) { delete $reasoner_h->{$r} unless $only{$r}; } } my $summaryf = "results.tab"; my $dbf = "benchdb.tbl"; my $summaryfh; if (keys %continue) { $summaryfh = FileHandle->new(">>$summaryf") || die $summaryf; } else { $summaryfh = FileHandle->new(">$summaryf") || die $summaryf; } my $dbfh = FileHandle->new(">>$dbf") || die $summaryf; my @reasoners = keys %$reasoner_h; printf $summaryfh "ONT\t"; printf $summaryfh (join("\t", @reasoners)); printf $summaryfh "\n"; my @files = @ARGV; foreach my $f (@files) { foreach my $r (@reasoners) { logmsg("reasoner: $r"); if ($depend_h{$r} && $reasonertime_h->{$f}->{$depend_h{$r}} eq 'NULL') { logmsg("No point running $r as $depend_h{$r} already failed"); next; } my $outf = $f; $outf =~ s/.*\///; $outf =~ s/\..*//; $outf .= ".$r.bench"; if ($collect) { logmsg("collecting: $outf"); } elsif ($new_only && -e $outf) { logmsg("already have: $outf (running new-only)"); } else { # run the reasoner my $t1 = time; $reasoner_h->{$r}->($f,$outf); my $t2 = time; my $td = $t2-$t1; $totaltime_h->{$f}->{$r} = $td; logmsg("totaltime: $f $r :: $td s"); } my $rtime = parse_benchmarks($outf,$r); my $ts = (stat($outf))[9]; if (defined $rtime) { #$rtime = $rtime * 1000; # seconds $reasonertime_h->{$f}->{$r} = $rtime; use POSIX 'strftime'; #my $date_string = ctime(stat($outf)->mtime)->year; my $date_string = strftime "%Y%m%d", localtime((stat($outf))[9]); printf $dbfh "$date_string\t$f\t$r\t$reasonertime_h->{$f}->{$r}\n"; } else { $rtime = "NULL"; } logmsg("reasonertime: $f $r :: $rtime (seconds)"); } printf $summaryfh "$f\t"; printf $summaryfh join("\t", (map { $reasonertime_h->{$f}->{$_} } @reasoners)); printf $summaryfh "\n"; } $summaryfh->close(); logmsg("Done!"); exit 0; sub run_oboedit_reasoner { my $f = shift; my $benchf = shift; my $argstr = shift || ''; $ENV{OBO2OBO_JAVAARGS}='-d64 -Xmx4096M'; # takes precedence over vmoptions runcmd("obo2obo -o $argstr -saveimpliedlinks $benchf.out $f >& $benchf"); } sub run_owl_reasoner { my $f = shift; my $benchf = shift; my $argstr = shift || ''; my $pwd = `pwd`; chomp $pwd; runcmd("owlreasoner $argstr file://$pwd/$f >& $benchf.tmp && head -1000 $benchf.tmp > $benchf"); } sub logmsg { return unless $verbose; my $msg = shift; my $t = time; print STDERR "LOG $t : $msg\n"; } sub runcmd { my $cmd = shift; my $errref = shift; logmsg("CMD: $cmd"); # HARDCODE: 5hr limit (CPU time) my $t = time; my $err = system("ulimit -t $MAX_TIME; (($cmd) > OUT) >& ERR"); my $t2 = time; my $td = $t2-$t; print STDERR "TIME: $td\n"; print STDERR "STDERR [lines 1-50]:\n"; print STDERR `head -50 ERR`; if ($err) { print "STDOUT [lines 1-50]:\n"; print `head -50 OUT`; return 1; } return 0; } # will not make an owl file if one exists already # todo: timestamps sub genowl { my $f = shift; my $owlf = "$f.owl"; #runcmd("test $owlf -nt $f || go2owl $f > $owlf"); #runcmd("test $owlf -nt $f || blip -f obo -i $f io-convert -to owl -o $owlf"); runcmd("test $owlf -nt $f || obo2owl -o file://`pwd`/$owlf $f"); return $owlf; } sub parse_benchmarks { my $f = shift; my $r = shift; my $re; my $ms; my $mult = 1; my $smh = 0; if ($r =~ /sql/) { # go & obd $re = 'Duration: (\S+)'; #$mult = 1000; } elsif ($r =~ /oboedit/) { $re = 'Total reasoner time = (\S+)'; $mult = 1000; } elsif ($r =~ /owlapi/) { $re = 'Total reasoner time = (\S+)'; $mult = 1000; } elsif ($r =~ /hermit/) { $re = 'action completed in (\S+) msec'; $mult = 1000; } elsif ($r =~ /blip/) { $re = 'Total reasoner time = (\S+)'; } elsif ($r =~ /pellet/) { # new: # Classifying finished in 00:00:01 $re = 'Classif.*ing finished in (\d+):(\d+):(\d+)'; # TYPO! $mult = 1; $smh = 1; # old: # Time: 5826 ms (Loading: 2519 Species Validation: 1909 Consistency: 70 Classification: 1322 ) #$re = '^Time:.*Classification: (\d+)'; #$mult = 1000; } else { } my $fh = FileHandle->new($f); if (!$fh) { if (!$collect) { #die("assertion error: $f"); } logmsg("no benchmarks for $f"); return undef; } logmsg("collecting: $f $smh $re"); while (<$fh>) { if (/$re/) { if ($smh) { $ms = $3 + $2*60 + $1*3600; } else { $ms = $1 / $mult; } last; } } $fh->close; #if (!(defined $ms)) { # $ms = "n/a"; #} return $ms; } sub usage { print <