package GOBO::FileCompareExtras; use strict; use DateTime::Format::Strptime; sub get_config { my $dist_dir = shift; my $cfg = { ## Configuration settings ## path to CVS repository cvs_repo => $ENV{HOME}, ## CVS command cvs_cmd => 'cvs -q -d', ## file if r1/d1 and/or r2/d2 are specified f => 'go/ontology/editors/gene_ontology_write.obo', ## location of perl directory where the and this module are kept dist_path => $dist_dir, ## location of templates; paths should be separated by a colon inc_path => "templates:$dist_dir/templates", ## paths to files saved in the same place each time rss_path => $ENV{HOME} . '/go/www/rss/', ## path from cvs_repo to where the ontology reports are saved (for report_dir => "go/internal-reports/ontology/", ## temp dir holding saved ontology downloads (for # temp_dir => $ENV{HOME} . '/tmp/go_temp/', temp_dir => $ENV{HOME} . '/temp/', ## create html/text reports if the files are identical (uncomment to enable) report_identical => 1, ## level to report by default for compare-obo-files level => 'm', ## email settings email_from => '', email_to => '', # email_to => '', email_bcc => '', ## database settings dbname => $ENV{GO_DBNAME} || 'go_latest_lite', dbhost => $ENV{GO_DBHOST} || 'spitz', dbuser => $ENV{GO_DBUSER} || '', dbpass => $ENV{GO_DBPASS} || '', dbport => $ENV{GO_DBSOCKET} || '', dbdriver => $ENV{GO_DBDRIVER} || 'mysql', html => { ontology_name => 'Gene Ontology', ontology_url => '', webmaster => '', ## base dir for URLs in html install_dir => '', ## browser links term_links => { amigo => { text => 'AmiGO', url_prefix => '', url_suffix => '', }, quickgo => { text => 'QuickGO', url_prefix => '', url_suffix => '', }, }, primary => { ## copy / paste the details of the primary URL here if more than one text => 'AmiGO', url_prefix => '', url_suffix => '', }, assoc => { ## URL for term associations text => 'AmiGO', url_prefix => '', url_suffix => '', }, ## info page to learn more about reports report_info_url => '', }, }; return $cfg; } =head2 trim_rss Input: file => $file_loc ## location of rss file old => $date ## cut off date for rss items to be removed Output: $old_data ## scalar containing the data to be put in the new file =cut sub trim_rss { my %args = (@_); my $old_data; my $parser = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new(pattern => "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z"); if (! $args{file} || ! $args{date}) { die "Please specify a file and a date"; } if (! -e $args{file}) { warn "File " . $args{file} . " cannot be found!"; return; } { ## open the file and get the items. local( $/, *NEW ) ; open( NEW, $args{file} ) or die "Could not open " . $args{file} . ": $!"; my $text = ; my @items = split("", $text); my @ok; my $guids = {}; $items[-1] =~ s/\s*<\/channel>\s*<\/rss>//sm; foreach (@items) { # we're looking at an item my $dt; if (/\<\/item>/s) { $_ =~ s/\n+/\n/gm; $_ =~ s/(\<\/item>).*?/$1\n/s; if (/(.*?)<\/pubDate>/) { $dt = $parser->parse_datetime( $1 ); if ($dt < $args{date}) { next; } } if (/(.*?)<\/guid>/m) { if ($guids->{$1}) { ## we already have this entry } else { $guids->{$1} = { date => $dt, item => '' . $_ }; } } } } if (values %$guids) { $old_data = join "", map { $_->{item} } sort { $a->{date} < $b->{date} } values %$guids; } close( NEW ); } return $old_data; } 1;